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Every position sensor has a specific function; whether to detect motion along a linear path or in the case of tilt sensors, to measure an object's tilt along an axis or multiple axes with reference to a plane. To simplify how a tilt sensor works, it detects the tilting position of an object in...
Linear position sensing technology is a vital component of industrial machine automation. In general, a linear position sensor measures the displacement of an object along a rectilinear path. Many traditional linear position sensing technologies are still applicable today. Some of the most common...
A rotary position sensor is an electromagnetic device emitting electrical signals corresponding to the angular rotation of an object along a shaft. These instruments are used in various applications such as the following:• Position sensing for automobiles like determining the steering wheel...
Position sensors vary according to the type of movement measured. For example, a linear position sensor measures rectilinear displacement while a rotary sensor detects an object's motion along an axis. Another type of position sensor, a tilt sensor or inclinometer measures an object's tilt with...
Position sensor technology has evolved significantly within the last several decades and remains to be one of the most vital components for machine automation. With the current trend of miniaturising and reinforcing the durability of sensors, there are endless possibilities for their...
Position sensors have been around for several decades now, and the technology evolved extensively since the earliest known applications of position sensing. What was then used only in laboratories became a standard instrument for displacement measurement in almost all kinds of mechanical...